Who are the Friends of the Munich Symphony Orchestra?
As Friends of the Munich Symphony Orchestra, we lend the orchestra a hand in its work. We support the musicians as they strive to further increase their artistic qualities. We do this, among other things, through financial help that goes towards engaging talented young musicians or outstanding soloists. We enable the orchestra to invite outstanding conductors and undertake tours or guest performances outside Munich. At the same time, we help the orchestra implement special programmes, e.g. children’s concerts or senior citizens’ concerts with lower ticket prices than usual. We introduce kindergarten and school children to classical music by inviting them regularly to selected dress rehearsals and conversations with musicians. We also support promising musical talents.
New Friends are Welcome!
Your Advantages as a Member
As a member of the Friends, you have closer access to the orchestra:
- Free attendance at dress rehearsals
- Regular insights behind the scenes
- Meet & Greet sessions after concerts
- Participation in the exclusive meetings of the Friends at concerts
- Invitations to regular lectures on interesting musical subjects
- Opportunities to join the orchestra on tour
Would you too like to be a Friend
of the Munich Symphony Orchestra?
Would you like to join the Friends of the Munich Symphony Orchestra, either as a private person or a company? Please get in touch, or simply fill out your membership application.
The annual fee for the Friends of the Munich Symphony Orchestra (Freundeskreis) is
100 Euros for individuals
180 Euros for families (including all children up to the age of 18)
50 Euros for students at secondary schools or universities
Will soon be announced for the new season.
Freundeskreis der
Münchner Symphoniker e.V.
Nicole Rautenberg
Schornstr. 13
81669 München
Tel.: 089 441196-17
Claus Christoph Eicher (chairman)
Dr. Jörg E. Allgäuer
Petra Höll
Michael Seemann
Account for Donations
Freundeskreis der Münchner Symphoniker e. V.
Konto-Nr. 1000 2569 15
BLZ 701 500 00
IBAN DE15701500001000256915
Stadtsparkasse München
The Friends of the Munich Symphony Orchestra are a registered German charity. Donation receipts for the German tax authorities can be issued.